To ensure a long life for your blouse, we recommend the following steps for your garment care:

Our blouses are made of 100% cotton fabric, which may shrink if washed in hot water. Washing in warm water prevents shrinking, while washing in cooler water also preserves colorfastness.
Use the gentle cycle on your machine to avoid heavy agitation (which stresses fabric fibers) and to protect your blouse’s natural shell buttons.

After taking your blouse out of the washing machine, shake it out and smooth the fabric with your hand. This will help limit wrinkles. Hang your blouse on a non-wire hanger or drying rack in an open area.
If faster drying time is needed, only use a machine dryer on low temperature settings to avoid shrinking of fabric.

Using a warm iron on a slightly damp blouse (or a steamer) will quickly and efficiently remove any wrinkles and create a smooth finish. You can iron (steam) a blouse from start to finish in less than 10 minutes.
The art of ironing (steaming) . . . it's a skill that takes your clothes from acceptable to enviable. Invest in a good iron (steamer) and learn how to use it.